Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Food thoughts

Feeling a bit of a struggle these past two weeks.  All the festivities surrounding Hannah's birthday and the kids being home for spring break and then Easter has me having a few more 'cheat' days than I would like. 

I read something from Isabele at Beyond Diet the other day... if you blow it, take the next few days and do a sort-of detox.  No flour, dairy, or sugar...drink more water than normal and walk more.  Today was supposed to be the start of that, but the temptation of some Easter bread got to me and I had three pieces, argh!!  It was not whole grain and was full of sugar.  Not to mention I was in a weird mental place the past few days due to an over indulgence of sugar both Saturday and Sunday.  I need to get ahold of my sugar intake again.

So, tomorrow will start my mini-detox and I will be giving up wheat and sugar for two days and drinking extra water/tea. 

As far as excercise goes, I have taken up running!  Yes, it is as shocking to me as anyone.  I regularly go 2-2.5 miles and have made it as far as 3 running with another mile walk!  I am still aiming for 6 days of movement per week and am now looking for at least 30 minutes each day with something more intense than walking around the block. 

Weight is holding steady. Somewhere between 144 and 146 each weigh-in... although I am giving myself a few days to recoup from the scale from this past week.  I am going to make a goal of 140 by the end of May.  I really do think I can push through this plateau and get there by really being mindful of my portions and wheat-related items. 

I need to get more veggies in the house tomorrow and focus on some plant-based meals!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Early April garden update

Well, this year has been crazy in terms of weather.  Such a mild winter has led to some late-season chillyness and (finally!) a little rain here and there.  I guess many people have lost some of their early plantings due to the frost/freezing temperatures.  <---At least that is what the guy at the nursery told me last weekend.

**Apparently it is a rule-of-thumb that the last frost/freeze of the year is on or before March 15**

We replaced the cucumbers with some watermelon seedlings last weekend.  I am hoping they do better than the cucs did, and there is no reason they shouldn't do well.  I will make a note of the exact variety as soon as I think to check. 

Our bibb lettuce is ready to be early harvested, it is crazy how fast it grew!  I am planning on trying it in a dinner this week. 

Peppers and tomatoes and onions are growing well.  The one snap-pea plant and eggplant are growing slower, but doing just fine.  The squash and zucchini and beets look to be hanging on, but not yet thriving. 

The carrots are starting to sprout. 

I did take some photos on the 7th and will be adding them as soon as I get them ready. 

Since we have been having intermittant rain, I have been giving a heavy soak every third day or so - more time if it has rained.