Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 4th, the Weigh In, and a Realization

I need to back up a little here. 

Basically, I felt like crap.  I was in a desperate funk and viscious cycle of sugar dependance that went beyond my control.  Yes, this sounds dramatic.  Yes, I realize that we probably made better, healthier decisions that 70-80% of the American population... no I don't think I am fat... just fatter than I would like to be. Yes, I am still relatively healthy and this was not spurred by a health scare. 

All that being said, looking back, I needed a change.

(Backing up even further, two years ago John and I each lost a substantial amount of weight following the Weight Watcher's POINTS plan.  We have both kept it off for the most part... Of the 20 lbs. I had originally lost, I had gained back about five pounds, and after the holidays was up another 3-5 pounds.  John had lost around 40, and gained back 5-8 as well.)

So, I headed back through the doors of Weight Watcher's again on January 4th.  The official weigh in was 155 pounds. 

My goal, 140 pounds.  So 15 pounds... totally doable.

The only problem is that Weight Watchers has changed their plan to POINTS Plus.  A significantly different plan that I was used to.  You still count pionts, but the basis for determining the point value is different... calories don't matter.  They take into account Carbs and Protein instead.  All fruits and most veggies are 0 points.  I was allotted 26 points for each day.  This took some getting used to, and truth be told the first day was the hardest with most days getting better after that.

Following the plan for a week, I lost 3.6 pounds!  Yay!

About half-way through the second week I happened upon a random web video from this site: BeyondDiet.

The video highlighted 5 foods that you should NEVER eat... artificial sweeteners, whole wheat bread, soy, juice, and foods containing HFCS.  While I knew about the artificial sweeteners and corn syrup and for the most part, juice... I was unaware of the harm from whole wheat and soy. 

For whatever reason, something in my brain clicked that evening watching that little low-budget video from this site that (to be completely honest) looked pretty hoakie.

From that point on, I have been researching diet myths and truths.  Trying to sort the differences between fact and hype is rediculously hard.  Manufacturing food companies, the corn industry, big pharma (haha-oh the irony!), fast food chains and countless other industries  benefit and profit from the horrible foods that we all eat and have become addicted to.  They do their best to make their food sound healthy and safe.  The truth, I am finding, is that it isn't. 

Our food supply is UNSAFE, UNHEALTHY, and just plain WRONG in SO MANY ways.

(This is when I started to realize that Weight Watcher's is not the healthiest choice for me.  I will go into this on another post, but as of right now I have decided to continue going to weigh in each week for the accountability.)

So basically this is the story of where I am at, trying to sort out what foods will be healthy and safe choices for my family without being thought of as a snobby food freak.  I need to be able to live and socialize in the real world, but make good decisions.  I need to know which foods are healthy and safe and which are horrible...all the while trying to lose the weight. 


**As of today's weigh-in... I am down 4.6 pounds!!**

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