Sunday, March 4, 2012


At the begining of my research, I found a lot of the information to be really depressing.  Looking back, it sounds so silly.  Yet, despite the fact that I knew a change would be for the best... I went through a little mourning period.  I guess we kind of have to do that when it comes to major change.  Mourn the loss of what was to really move on to what IS. 

In January, as I was really diving into my food research 'eating healthier' was kind of a vague idea for me.  I went to the grocery store looking for better quality chicken, shelf-stable products that did not contain high fructose corn syrup, tried to aviod soy and wheat products, and aimed to buy a lot of fruits and veggies.  There were several foods suggested, and I readily went searching for them, regardless of the cost.  This was a poor decision... and I decided to slow down and make smaller changes. 

Last month, in the process of my reading I came across this blog: 100 Days of Real Food.  This blog is the journal of the Leake family and how they went from eating similarly to the way we did to eating nearly entirely "Real Food".  (I put that in quotes because I realize that term must be defined at some point.)  Through reading that blog I realized that we COULD change our eating habits... it was do-able.  The decision they made and the "rules" they made for what to eat were strongly based on a few books and ideas written by Micheal Pollan.  <---More on Pollan's writing soon!

Through seeing what the Leake family did, I really started to look at this journey in a more positive way.  Instead of what we couldn't eat... I started seeing what we COULD.  Instead of hearing about the diseases that might be caused by the horrible way we, as American's, eat... I started to see the diseases that COULD be avoided by eating better.  Instead of worrying about the food we were now eating being different from what we were used to eating... I started to actually taste the food we were preparing and really LOVE it.

So at this point I am gaining momentum and excitement for this "Real Food" life. 

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